
Edgbaston Golf Club

Sustainability at Edgbaston Golf Club


Woodland Management

Edgbaston Golf Club's woodland nature is balanced against the playability of the courses through strategic maintenance of the under storey.

New growth and a second storey, is being encouraged and allowed to establish where golf balls are unlikely to finish. Woodland areas are being managed by thinning to increase light and to encourage new growth in overgrown areas.

Dead trees are being retained, in out of play areas, to create additional habitat and perching for birds of prey. Log piles and nesting boxes also enhance habitats for insects and birds.

The Community

Edgbaston Golf Club provides a venue for a number of events for local business, police, charity and fundraising including local schools and community projects. 

The Club provides a fantastic facility for junior golf and has one of the most active junior sections in the county.

The Club has a Sustainability working group that has been working towards improving environmental standards across the club.

The adoption of the GEO certification and the move to achieving these standards has involved all stakeholders.




Irrigation System 

2.6 million litres of water are extracted via a bore hole system each year which is distributed by the club's irrigation system around the course.

This system allows Edgbaston Golf Club to be self-sufficient through the use of direct rainfall or from drainage in place on the course.

Beehives & Biodiversity 

The Club started an initiative to introduce wildlife diversity in key areas on the course. As part of this intitative the Club installed three bee hives by local beekeeper, Shariff which in 2021 produced award winning honey. This honey is sold back to the members in the professional shop and it also used by our chefs.

In addition, the club has introduced areas that are not mowed. These areas are introduced to develop the diversity of wildlife and reduce carbon emissions. This has also supported the areas for the bees to thrive in.

In addition, the club is continually reducing the amount of chemicals using throughout the course with the goal of being chemical free by 2025.



To minimise our waste and improve recycling methods we installed designated waste bins across the site and improved staff awareness with information on noticeboards. All litter is sorted into plastics, paper, cans and general waste and then disposed into the designated bins.

We continue to minimise the amount of waste we produce and many of our suppliers have reduced packaging that is assisting our disposed material. Recycling is an area we have reviewed over the past 12 months to improve our waste management practices across the golf club. 

There are 6 mixed recycling and 6 general waste bins located across the club. Course attendants empty the bins across the course daily and separate cans and plastics which are collected by our recycling waste company. 

LED Lighting 

An audit carried out by BHM Energy Solutions of all the lighting around the clubhouse and maintenance sheds highlighted the potential saving in cost and KwH if lights were changed to alternative LED's.
The halogen spot lights were replaced with LED's reducing the emissions by 10 tco2e per year and saving £2000.
We plan to replace all lighting to LED within the next 18 months. We also have sensored lights in the locker rooms and toilets, which switch on and off automatically reducuing usage when they are not in use. 

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